By Freeverse
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*Gambit *
Me? Je m'appelle Remy Le Beau. My friends always call me Gambit, cause I was
always getting' outta trouble one way or another. Yeah, 'm a mutant, but really,
who isn't? Most of my friends were mutants themselves. Even ma petite amie,
Belle, had her own powers. Jus' what happens in de wild city of New Orleans,
I bet y'r wonderin' why I chose t' "walk on the wild side"- t' be de
mauvais garcon. It sure as hell beats bein' de goody-goody. I've been down dat
road before, before I joined wit de t'ieves, an it was no fun at all. Besides,
good guys have no sex appeal.
Magneto's cronies weren't mon first choice of a good mutant group t' join, but
de needed a t'ief, an how could I be a gentleman if I said non?
Bayville isn't my idea of a town. There's not'ing to do 'round here, 'cept
maybe- Golly Gee- go t' some diner and listen t' "records." Dat's my
idea of a fun time. Plus, all the filles 'round here just don't seem t' be
worth my time. Well, dat's all o' 'em 'side dat green-eyed girl. T'ink de
called her Rogue.
I was so flattered dat she wanted a piece of Gambit, but hey, who wouldn't? Too
bad Magneto wanted me t' knock her out. I keep wonderin' if dat almost-kiss
would've been any good...
But what's de use? Magneto told me 'bout her powers afterwards, dat kissin' de
fille woulda been "futile." Woulda ended up in a hospital!
Mebbe it's worth it, non? Perhaps I should pursue dis Rogue. 'Sides, it'd give
me somet'ing t' do around dis Gayville.
* ~ *
"Are you sure you're, like, all right?" Kitty Pryde asked her gothic
friend in the hall. "I mean, like, if it hurts you, I could carry your
books or, like, something."
"Ah'm fine," Rogue said quietly, digging her nails into the hardback
cover of her World History book. Her voice suddenly gained volume. "An if
any of y'all say one more thang about what happened with mah powers, ah'm gonna
scream. Ah'm much better now, okay?"
Kitty winced. "Sorry, I guess I, like, deserved that, bugging you and
She sighed and was about to reply when a tap on the shoulder nearly sent her
out of her skin. She wheeled to face Gambit.
"What are you doin' here?" she asked. Her voice was laced with
distinct contempt. "An in contact with me nonetheless." She
"Ah, cherie, so we meet again," he told Rogue, and then glanced at
Kitty. "Bonjour, Mademoiselle."
Kitty giggled, but Rogue only rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Cajun. What do
you want? An make it quick. Ah'm not missin' first hour cause of you."
Gambit smiled mock-innocently. "Can't a guy jus' have a simple
conversation with a girl?"
"Ah guess not," Rogue said finally.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you two alone for your, like, simple
conversation. See you second hour, Rogue," Kitty said, walking off.
Rogue did not like being alone with him. She especially didn't like the way his
cat-eyes kept roaming over her body. "You got a starin' problem?" she
"Désolé, chere, mais il aiderait si vous n'étiez pas
si agréable pour regarder," he replied with a grin. "Vous
devez traiter n'est pas si joli."
"Urgh, ah took French ya know," she replied through gritted teeth.
"Qui a dit que j'ai fait le besoin pas vous pour savoir que j'ai
"Stop it!" she yelled.
A few people turned to stare at the two.
"Que? J'ai pensé vous avez parlé français."
Rogue rolled her eyes. "Ah thought y'all came here t' 'talk,' not try an
impress me with y'r 'français.'"
"Amende. Okay, chere. You caught me. Gambit's jus' disappointed dat he
never got to finish our lil' fight. T'ought I could tempt ya int' a rematch.
Whadda ya say, hmmm?"
Rogue cringed. "Not on y'r life! Whatever ya did t' me, y'r lucky, cause I
could take y'all out in second!"
Remy smirked. "Is dat a challenge?"
The late bell rang and Rogue glared at him.
"Sorry, didn't mean t' make you late," he said with an apologetic
smile and a shrug. "Jus' t'ink about my offer, chere. If you t'ink you can
beat Gambit, den we'll see if you can, fair an square."
"Fair an square?" she repreated. "Ah hardly think you can't
fight dirty."
She remembered their last battle, with the exploding Queen of Hearts. Rogue had
only looked into his strange cat eyes, and suddenly the world around her
melted. She excepted the charged card like it was some great gift. All because
of his eyes.
"All right, ah accept y'r-" she began, but when Rogue looked around,
Gambit was already gone. Beneath her feet lie the Queen of Hearts.
Her first instinct was to jump back, but she realized this card wasn't charged.
Rogue bent down to pick it up. She turned it over and there was a message.
"Me rencontrer au parc de Bayville demain à 6:00," it said.
She thought for a moment. "Meet me at Bayville Park tomorrow at
Rogue frowned. Was he mocking her, thinking that she wouldn't come? She would
come, all right! That Cajun was going down!
Principal Kelly walked by and she gulped. First, she had to come up with a good
excuse to be five minutes late to class!
* ~ *
Your friendly translations:
Je m'appelle Remy LeBeau= My name is Remy LeBeau
mauvais garcon= bad boy
Désolé, chere, mais il aiderait si vous n'étiez pas si
agréable pour regarder= Sorry, dear, but it would help if you weren't so
nice to look at.
Vous devez traiter n'est pas si joli= You need to work on not being so pretty.
Qui a dit que j'ai fait le besoin pas vous pour savoir que j'ai dit= Who said I
didn't want you to know what I said?
Que? J'ai pensé vous avez parlé français. = What? I
thought you spoke French.
Amende= fine
Me rencontrer au parc de Bayville demain à 6:00= Meet me at Bayville
park tomorrow at 6:00 (if you didn't see Rogue translate for you)